I want to be as good as I've ever been. While in reality, that may not be a lofty goal (I never was that good at anything), I still have a ways to go to be as fit as I once was. 5-6 bodyweight pullups? Not quite there. Sub-20 minute 5k? Some work remains. 34 inch waist? Close.
I'm working towards re-achieving some old benchmarks. But then, why not be better? Is age really a factor? Sure it is. But not as much as we give it credit for. At 35 years old, I'm not that old. I really can expect to live another 35 years and a minimum. As much as I refuse to accept that taking medication to correct chronic diseases caused by nutritional wrongdoings, I refuse to accept that I've been the fastest, strongest person I could be. And I think the key is to eat right (paleo). That's why anyone who trains with me needs to begin to learn what right eating is.
Jason Ferruggia emphasizes that "Shitty food makes you look and feel like shit. There's no two ways about it." Eating right, sleeping enough, and exercising hard has worked to keep many high-level athletes performing past the age at which they're "old" athletes. I encourage you the read the whole article here.
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